AiF film Art -
Building The Future Of Creatives Today!

About AiF FilmArt

AiF Filmart is a flagship film incubation program as part of the annual Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF), an international short film festival in Ghana, in dedication of creating more value for emerging filmmakers across the world with Africa in focus. The maiden edition of AiF FilmArt was in 2021 which trained five (5) young Ghanaian filmmakers within a week and the program closed with a production of one short film.

We return again with another edition of AiF FilmArt as part of this year’s edition of Accra Indie Filmfest. This is done in collaboration with Mediathirsty Productions based in the UK. AiF FilmArt 2022 is a film incubation program, supported by the British Council, for those already in the business of filmmaking who need supported opportunities to develop their craft.

This Accra Indie Filmfest and Mediathirsty Productions partnership will give 30 underrepresented emerging screenwriters in the UK the opportunity to collaborate with young filmmaking teams in Ghana. At the end of the program, two short films will be produced and premiered as part of Accra Indie Filmfest 2022 to a live audience. These films can also be submitted to other film festivals to increase their visibility beyond Accra Indie Filmfest.

Screenwriting workshop will be held in the UK to be facilitated by Mediathirsty Productions whiles the Filmmaking Workshop will be held in Ghana and facilitated by Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF). Screenwriting workshop participation opens on 24th January, 2022 to young and emerging screenwriters based in the UK. To apply, kindly use this link

Filmmaking workshop participation opens soon to young and emerging filmmakers based in Ghana occupying production roles including; directing, producing, editing, cinematography and sound design. This program is designed to foster cultural and experiential exchanges between Ghana and the UK and birth new narratives.

Hurry Up! Let's Get Creative

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(max 300 words)
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Copy and paste the link of your submission here (Showreel)

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